Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm a Wicked Writer...

So, I'm over the moon about this! Yesterday I got invited to be part of the Wicked Writers group with Sylvia Day, Shayla Black, Karin Tabke, Cathryn Fox....oh, man, I can't tell you how excited I am.

It's a busy list, with a lot of romance fans. They're talking hotties, and love scenes, and their man candy....Lord have mercy! WOW!

If you're interested in joining, here's the link, Wicked Writers

There is some author promo from time to time and some giveaways, but mostly it's alot fun with authors and readers just chatting about whatever they want!

Don't be shy, c'mon over!


  1. Hey Wicked lady. *wink*

    You're joining quite a group there. I've read books by all your fellow soon to be wicked partners except Cathryn Fox.

    I'm off to check out their site!

    (((hugs))) VFG

  2. Congratulations Sophie!

    That is awesome and you so belong. ;)


  3. How fun, oh yes it's fun to be wicked. I am sure you all are having a great time over there. I have to go and check it out

  4. Congrats honey! You will have a blast over there!!!

  5. How neat.......what a great group to belong to!! :)
